Our children's ministry team serves birth through 5th grade during our 11:00 worship service. We provide a fun and safe environment for your child where they can learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
By the time your child is five years old we want them to know
1) God Made Me
2) God Loves Me
3) Jesus wants to be my friend forever
We teach these basic truths to your child through bible stories, worship time, crafts and games. Our trained small group leaders look forward to helping your preschoolers learn more about God.
1st - 5th GRADE
...and Jesus grew in wisdom and statue and favor with God and man. Luke 2:52
Through our small and large group time we will guide your child to put their faith in Jesus. Our leaders focus on making these three truths stick
1) I need to make the wise choice
2) I can trust God no matter what
3) I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Robin Youngbar - email